Tuesday, December 30, 2008

cont. blast christmas

so where was I? oh yea, 3rd day of Christmas... Well It was okay. It was an ordinary day with ordinary stuff. And my parents came. YEAH!!!!!
About that drawing... it's kinda spoil now because of my little cousins. I gotta tell you, they LOVE to colour... URGH, how annoying.

4th day of Christmas - I'm not gonna write a lot on this day because it'll be long as hell. So I'm just gonna tell you this - I went to Ranau which is 2 hours away from Keningau with my relative. And it was an awesome journey!!!!

The above pictures are all from the starting point of climbing the Mount Kinabalu.
The place is beautiful especially in the early morning.

Oh yea... I climb the 1st one. I could have gone for the mountain view but I was too bloody tired and I was dying of water and all the air was cold and when it came into my lungs, it just hurts more! I don't get it... it's fresh air for keith's sake! I don't know, must be something wrong with my lungs. Maybe because I was too tired. Oh and I didn't go for the mountain view because there was nothing to see. It was covered with white clouds. Damn it was a waste of energy! There was no waterfall view~~~!!!!!!!! URGH!
I'm still suffering from leg pain because of climbing that damn thing!

The next stop was the war memorial. I recommend you this place because it is the most beautiful place ever! Well in Sabah. I don't know you but I was pretty amazed. I didn't know a place like that existed here in Sabah. I was like a little kid, ya know?

Where you buy your tickets. RM 2 per head. So if you have two heads and one body, that will be RM 4...haha joking.
no heart feeling k?

This is the histories...

Something caught my eye...
If I was live in that tragic year I would have save him and marry him, hahaha!

Where the journey begins.

This is really funny... It say "Don't step on me, or else I will die." It was kinda cocky.

This too, it says "Steal flower - Fine $100.00 - Got TV"

This is the gardens! Beauty. They really handle with care...

I'm respecting!!! (yes, how stupid)

This is like a carpet.

The borneo garden.

The ponds where all your dreams come true.

The door was locked.
Legend says that you have to sing for it then it'll open.

This is the part where I go "WOW!" I seriously said that y'know. It was pretty awkward.

This is beautiful, kinda English. This makes me feel I'm somewhere not in Sabah/Malaysia =p

This is the list of names that died in the tragic journey.
There was 2000 over names.
I would like to tell you the whole story but I don't think you like a long history.

This is the poem tomb that was written by one of the Australians.
It was such a sad thing.

The end of the war memorial.

I was scared of heights so I was holding on.
(I know, I didn't scared but my butt was shaking, I was so afraid of falling down)

The views...

I spotted this flower pattern on the rock. They're different OK? Well, I think you can see that.

Next stop was the hot spring.
I didn't get a lot of pictures there. Just one because by the time we get there, it was almost dark and my bloody cellphone does not have a good quality in taking pictures at night. So yea, I took the hot spring tub.

I think that's all. I'm tired.

Peace out!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Blast Christmas

"during christmas vigil night, i wished that i will be happy spending my christmas times with my family and have an amazing spending the days of christmas with my family"
The Christmas wish came true. My family wasn't planning of going to my dad's hometown in Keningau this Christmas because he was too busy with all the those stuff (what a pain in the butt I tell you!). I was so mad and I was trying to know and find ways of going back to Keningau and guess what? God grant me my cousin during Vigil night and asked me if I would like to come with her! And yeah I just go with the flow and here I am writing this blog while I'm Keningau at granpapa's house... I love granpapa!
On the 1st day of Christmas, I went through... well, not a lot. Just a little trip going here, taking the big bus and whole lot of stuff. Meeting all my cousins here and all my aunts and uncles. How cool can that be? Well, maybe for YOU it was nothing but the thing is I don't usually go back here because I have whole lots of stuff back in KK that I have to settle. Now that I'm out of highschool and finish my bloody SPM, I guess I have nothing to do at home so I've decided to go here instead.
Well, I do wish my parents are here... and ccan you believe it? I'm the only person representing my dad here. Bloody old man not even bother of going back to his hometown, where he lives before, where he grow up! Not even bother of seeing granpa back at home while he is still living healthy!!! What would he felt if I don't go home for Christmas or Easter or whatsoever event if I'm married????? Crazy... Sorry Lord, but seriously am madly overfrustrated with him! He is one self-centered old man. (Sorry again.)
Oh yea, all of us decided to have a Christmas family gathering + with Christmas open house. My uncle John became the spokesperson for the Christmas night because my dad who is the oldest and suppose to be the spokesperson WASN'T there!!! Anyway, Uncle John was the second child.
So they listed a few thing that we were suppose to do for the gathering and make a agenda and give out jobs to all of us. Man, it was seriously a formal family meeting. There was a secretary, treasurer and directors which are my aunts and uncles. So yea, we get some rest because the next day is when all of us get busy with all the shopping and cooking and setting up + cleaning the house...
2nd day of Christmas - as I have told you we were busy with all those stuff. So when it came to the party, I was really amazed how the people came around and the news of the party spreads fast. I love it! It's just a miracle that I had a blast christmas with my relatives, laughing and having fun and no I don't drink. I could have but I don't want.
The aftermath - I went to my grandpapa's house (the party was at my Aunt Ramiah's house) and set up my bed and ready to sleep but I couldn't because the party was not fully over yet. The kids were still around and shouting eventho' it like 1am. They're suppose to be in bed but I guess if you're here there's no curfew! And I have no curfew 'cos my parents aren't around. heehehee...
Then my grandpa went inside and sat beside me. Did I tell you we celebrated his 81st birthday on that gathering?
Happy Birthday granpa...
eventho' I know you won't read this because you're too old and you don't even know how to use the computer...
kalo komputer pun nda tau, apa lagi internet!
So we talked and he kinda express his feeling about my family. He told me that my sister was snobbish because don't even bother about him when he visited us in KK. Then I told him it's okay, you still have me. Honestly I LOVE my granpa! He is such a sporting lad. He kinda makes me comfortable when I'm around him eventho' when I was little I wasn't an apple of the eye to him but he is my no. 1 granpa. He's the only one alive. All other 3 died, I didn't really get to know them especially at my mother's side... they died before I ever think properly.
I felt really guilty because of my family! And I felt sorry for granpa.... I'm so sorry granpa. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry because my dad wasn't here. I should have tried harder....I should have.
I thank the Lord because I'm here. I still wasn't planning of being here but yeah basically my wish came true.
Today is the 3rd day of Christmas and I'm left at home when 3 quarter of my cousins went to Agricultural Park in Tenom. How sad is that? But atleast I went to the river just now. I tell you, the water was super cold and the streams was strong enough to bring my heavy body along.
Oh and I have a drawing I did for Christmas but there's no scanner here.... I'll show you when I'm back at home. BYE!!!!
Have a Wonderful Christmas. There is nothing more wonderful than having to spend your Christmas time with your loved ones.
PS://My wish came true.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Miraculously touching

It's Christmas EVE!!!!!! yeah! I can't wait to go to church and hear the English Choir vibrates for the Lord tonight!

I was watching PS I Love You just now and I cried everytime the husband appear! It was just so touching and I just love it. Oh and I watched The Notebook-nothing compared to this one. PS I Love You was so much better! I just love the storyline and the hilarious moments - all of it is so brilliant ya know?

Oh and guess what? I was inspired enough to do this.

I was trying... OK not good enough I know.
My sis is right, colouring the hair does make the face pop more.
Oh and that line that people usually do before placing the eyes, nose and mouth really works. You should try it!

I admit, the girl doesn't look like Hilary Swank neither the guy looks like Gerard Butler but hey, worth of try, right? Right? RIGHT????

So ok... I think that's about it.

PS://Happy Christmas Eve!!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

welcoming address and 'updates"?

So I thought that I should make a blog here in blogspot but I never would have really update it every now and then because thanks to my lazy fingers, they refuse to type a damn thing about my life but then again, I would have still try my best in keeping up with this whatever-so-called-typing-expressing-thoughts.

I don't really know how this works and I don't think I have any reader now...

So Maybe I should try telling you (whoever YOU are) what happen to me today.

well.....(should I start with waking up and brush teeth???)

"Someone please FIX this brain!!"

Anyway, I was suppose to attend my first driving test which is the computerized test with all those law crap 'bout the road. (I'm so sorry Anthea, I had to go first. My dad was so demanding!)
Well guess what? I did go. (O.K. that was such a bad climax...)
No, no... The thing is I was so nervous and not even planning to wake up until 2.30pm like what I did yesterday. I was so nervous that I would actually fail.
Well guess what!!!! I P.A.S.S.E.D!!!!!! Thank Lord. yea, i know it's not that dramatic for a climax but... here...

I passed with flying colours!!!! (is that better? i don't think so, huh?)

OK, OK so i'm not cut out to be a writer... so what? it's not like i'm born to be one. It's just a blog for keith's sake! I ain't going nowhere with this.

Oh yea, my dad warn me if I fail he will not pay for the second exam. How cruel is that? But it does work. I actually passed. And not with flying colours just like Malay proverbs "nyawa-nyawa ikan".

So I don't wanna talk about that anymore 'coz probably you'll stop reading anyway. hee...

After the stressful (not really) day. I went to hang at my friend's house which is across the highway with loads of brainless cars. I was so afraid of passing the roads without looking(well duh! how could you pass the road without looking. might as well pass away) right and left. but thank Lord again I passed safely. We talked and talked and talked and talked until we watch this movie called Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging (pretty interesting title isn't it?) and the actors were d.e.l.i.c.i.o.u.s.!

Aaron Johnson (Robbie) is to die for!!!!!!!!!!!

Mind me. I'm a girl so it makes a lot of sense...!

Well, the movie was hilarious with loads of snogging (i guess) and mortified moments (I hope that's correct..hii...). I just love the movie and I think most teenage girls do. Trust me, they will adore Robbie. He was just so sweet in there.

My friend, Miza, watched this movie and she told me she wanted a boyfriend! well SO DO I??
SADLY, I have my vows.

Jason ask me whether I can draw or not... "i don't know, maybe you should see for yourself?"
I might not be as good as Picasso or Da Vinci, but still learning.

At the end of the day, I did some sketching and inspired by Angus movie.

I think I might want a boyfriend with pale blue eyes (yea, in my dreams)

my scanner is not really good but what the heck, the drawing wasn't either.

looking down at my creation
yes that's me... holding the is-that-a-guy's face.

I don't do a lot of shadows but I'm still learning. I think it's for me to read now so 'til tomorrow. IF... haha.

Thank you so much for keeping up with me. Thank Lord.