Friday, March 11, 2011

Uneasy and annoyed

It's lent but I still can't get the uneasiness and feelings of annoyed in me.

I think, it's better to avoid you or ignore you than knowing that I hated the attention, 'cos it's only gonna make the situation worst.

There are several situation where I will feel annoyed =.="
1. When some stranger call me or someone who I barely know.
2. When someone's acting pretty weird.
3. When someone treat you nicely and the next day they don't.
4. When people are suppose to show some kindness and they don't (customer service in KL are BAD!!!!urgh, I hate the people here!!!)
5. When nothing goes right in a day.
6. When I keep forgetting things everywhere.
7. When the people around me talk loudly and like they want to tell the whole world but the whole world doesn't need to know your story la... (sometimes, we don't understand what they're talking about.)
8. When the driver is not signaling before turning to left or right... HOI! Pedestrians need cross the road, boneheads!

ya.. I'm feel so wrong somehow and I need to stop feeling this way.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

ASH Wednesday

I think I am able to stand up without thinking about you... and think more about Him. He makes my days worth living for.

So today is Ash Wednesday where the fasting, almsgiving and more praying begins. I don't do fasting because I live to eat. I don't do almsgiving because I'm not a saint. (I know, I know, you don't have to be a saint to give back to the community but still, I couldn't do it, even if I want to.) Praying is something that I probably do everyday. Pray at heart that everything's gonna be OK.
So now I pray "Lord, I pray so that this lent will be a lesson for me and I will remember to fast, give and pray. O God, I also pray so that I may be able to fast especially for my addiction which is on FB. I may be able to be a strong person and that I know that I can rely on myself."

It's been a long time since I've update this thing. 'til the next one.

boring right, stop reading la...