Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm back. Alleluia

Oh hey, nice to ran into my boring yet I would say nice blog... sheesh...

Actually right now, I'm not in that mood to... what do you call that??? oh BLOGGING... shuush, I don't want anyone to know I had a brain damage. But I decided to do it anyway. Better now than never, right?

What have I been doing when I'm not spending my time typing silly utterings in this site?

First, my exam is over!!!! The 1st semester exam. It was ... so "not that good" 'til I can't even spill a word about it. hee... Just kidding. Well, I think I did not spent my study week that wisely but I did study everyday with a little eye nourishment once in a day. I know, I'm the worse but I just can't spend my waking hours just to put my eye in front of books and notes everyday! It is unhuman to do that, atleast for me. Here's a statement on each of my papers.

English P.1 - cool
Maths P.1 - o.k?
Maths P.2 - Gwahh??
English P.2 - Ummph...
Economy - Hm...
Business Management - grrr...
Account - imbalance

Well, what do you think? I know most of them are not even statement because they're not even words. It's because itissobloodyawfulican'tevenstateit. Sorry, you have to read that slowly. I was a little disappointed because now I know I'll gain fats during holidays but not waiting for any 4-flats.

It has been so hard in Matriculation College. It's all about study, rules and sports... I don't even have time for arts. I have time but it was stolen from all those shit-study time. Mind my language. Now, I can't even feel my middle toe. I wonder why.

So the past is past but the future couldn't get any worse....

My friends and I, planned to go for picnic at the beach and yeah, we were all happy that we could release our stress. We didn't see anything coming. Anything like... our lecturers will lecture us at the beach. I was so f***ed up to see and hear their f-ing lecture about the whole beach thing was a bad idea!!! Bunch of a**es trying to ruin our evening!

His lecture was about short pants... why we shouldn't wear short pants and why we couldn't wear them there. "This is a malay place, you can't dress like that here." something like that... so if tourists wear like that, are you going to lecture them?? They are like so retarded. I almost fight my words to one of the lecturers and if my friends haven't stop me, I could've won... yeah, right... so much for my boast act. The reason I fought because I can't stand he involved religion and whatever his talk about the bible. Does he even read the bible for anyone's sake? If you don't read the bible, you don't talk about it or it's content! I'm sorry to say, he is a muslim. And, I'm not anti-muslim but this is just too much. I hate the way they control things but I don't hate them. That is all I like to comment. It will take a whole night typing about things that aren't necessary for you to read. Actually, why do I even bother typing that? see, I'm doing it again.

Our so-called release-stress day is not even close. It changes to building-stress day and it's not over.

We got into another trouble. Going home late and lying to the guard and getting out without permission or even any wise reasons. It's a pain that we get to see the lecturer who gave us the talk about "how the beach can kill us". It's stupid I know. We got another lecture from a different lecturer and then he let us go. Why couldn't they just make it a school day so we will hear lectures every hour. urgh... But thank God, he let us go.

That was on 19th October 2009, a history for us in that college.

Yesterday was ok... No trouble. Just another ordinary day.

Today, the four of us (me, Emelia, Mizie and Van) went home using flight and we had our breakfast at mcD's. The journey was worth it 'cos I'm not tired at all. My mum brought me to Karamunsing to look for something she needs to buy and... guess what I did?

I donated my own O positive blood to the Likas Hospital!!!!!! I was so eager to go. I mean, I wanted to donate my blood since my age allows me to. I was so excited. The mood went away when I saw the big needle that is going into my arm!!! I wanted to cry if it hurts but it didn't. I was safe. haha. I don't have any visual of me sitting there letting my blood flows but I have proofs. Here you are:

My blood donor book

My first donation!!!! hee...

The hand that might save a life.

The wound.. the red one not the black mole.


No, I didn't feel dizzy or nauseous or sick right now but my arm hurt. Must be from the wound.

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