wow... that's harsh. but no, I don't mean that. and I know what you're thinking. "If you don't mean it? Why don't you just delete it and make a new sentence?" well, I had to say what my pride would say. So that I will always remember not to be that person. My heart tells a different story.
Actually, apart from feeling safe and relieved. I felt like there's something missing and not only I felt... I knew what it was. It was sadness. I was sad of leaving the Exco Team. I love CSSUPM 'cos it's the only thing that kept me alive here in Uni and I love God. So that's why, I decided to continue to do Chaplet of Divine Mercy every Tuesday 3pm.
Oh and I was really proud of past asst. CG coordinator which assist me for one year and plus... became the new President of CSSUPM. so proud of him. *clap2*
OK, so there's another thing I wanna talk about. RAINFOREST WORLD MUSIC FEST! Gosh, it looked so good, I was hoping to go. I wish there is still money left for that Rainfest tix and also flight tix. ... still thinking of going or not. man, all about money. but I promise a friend that I would go.
link to the page
I enjoyed the dinner :) It was fun :)