Lazy to upload the photos 'cos the line here super suck...
What I've been through this week:
1. Last-minute assignment (and then got scold by the lecturer about the front page. I did as simple as I could and she scold me 'cos didn't write which semester I'm at... come on lah,you didn't tell us at first so it's your fault, not us! yes, it's 'us'. I think all of us didn't write but I was scolded the most. I don't think the lecturer like me very much, well, right back at her. Ef-fing labuh!)
2. Went to KL again...(why I stated here, 'again'. because almost every week ... urm, no. Every week, I went to KL. When I was in highschool, I always say ''oh, I want to go to KL again.... bla bla'' Well, I guess I got my wish then. It's SALE time so I suggest you should to go to KL to shop around) with Chriz, Val, and Malisa.

I feel like the "king" of KL.
3. Had cultural mass with CSSUPM at St. Anne's chapel. It was super awesome! I had fun and gone home with a full stomach. There are still lots of foods left. The food was awesome 'cos I'm hungry and big possibilities because it's blessed. Wore punjabs attire and danced sumazau.

Half of the family...
4. Woke up in the evening 2 days in a row... (mentang-mentang la cuti kan. I feel so awful 'cos sleeping is not why I'm here for!!! Sometimes I hate myself for being so lazy)