Monday, February 23, 2009

Guess what people???!!!

During my times of learning, I would have never thought that ...

So today I went for JPJ test at my driving school and gawd I was so freaking nervous because

#1: I woke up late... my tutor was suppose to pick me up at 7 am and I was so tired, so I overslept and woke around 7.40am. My tutor was already outside waiting while I was still snoozing my nose off!! PLUS... I didn't even hear the phone rings and the alarm I set. Gawd, I must be sleeping like sloth! My bro probably think I was dead when he shouted my name awaking me.

#2: Was suppose to practice driving for 2 hours today and was only able to make for 1 hour 'cos JPJ test was about to start at 8.30am. Actually, it was less than an hour... darn.

#3: I was so bloody blur about where to start and what to do first which is the 5 perkara.
Odoi kangkudiau, au zou hafal iho.

#4: I don't have any friends to talk and discuss to and mu tutor was so friggin' sure I was going to pass like a rainbow.

So I practice the lebuhraya and try to recall and memorize all those things with changing gears, signals, how fast can you go and not to panic.... gawsh, it was hard to do it when it's been like 2 weeks since you didn't drive. darn.

Then after that awful drive, we went to KMK to practice the hill. Which I was pretty fine already. Well, I was hopeful. And then after a while, came another of my tutor's student which his name is BiBi. Then I do a few time with the hill and we exchange sit and he did it. He was a smooth driver and I feel safe with him. Rupa-rupanya.... he have a car but no license.

So I've got myself a friend to talk to and discuss to... (O God, thank you so much!!!!)

Then we talk about a lot of things which is the 5 perkara and the side parking and the hill and bla...bla...bla... until it's our turn to do the 3 basic drive (hill, side parking and 3 pointer). I went first and BB went after me.

The hill - the examiner was a dude... so he asked me to start at the white line and off I go.... I stop right on top of the yellow line! YEAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! and he asked me to put my hand up if I was ready to pass and putting down my handbrake and off I went to the side parking area. Alleluia. (32 secs)

Side parking - This time, the examiner was a woman. And I was told to put my hand up if I wanted to start and put my hand up if I wanted to go out. So I put my hand up and then start (there was a timer!! she was holding a timer!! o gosh). I almost and BB was at my back so he told me I was really close to the poll and he almost push his horn to warn me (haha, thanks dude but I knew it was close. Sengaja bah... kaC trill sikit.) But I didn't hit the poll. I can say my side parking was perfect. I always wanted it to be perfect. hehe. (bah, minta puji mcm mau kena tampar2). The reason I wanted it to be close to the poll because it makes me easier and it will look beautiful if I go out. So basically, my instinct are OK. So I went out with enough measurement and went to the next one. (2 mins 2 secs)

3 penjuru (btul ka 3 pointer?) - So I was waiting for my turn to do the 3 penjuru and when it is my turn, I didn't know the examiner was looking at me because her eyes was at the side parking and she turn her face and shouted "Janey! Angkat lah tangan!!! (Janey, put up you hand!)" It was so awkward I sink myself into the steering after I put up my hand. (Bikin malu!!!! Kureng butul oh tu puan. Kalo iya pun nda payah lah bah teriak.) But then I think she had to shout 'cos I was far. And when I told BB, he was like "ooo, ko pula tu yang kena teriak." Aduinah... bikin.penjuru was fine and no I didn't go near the poll this time. (52 secs)

So I went to park the car, went to where the examiner sat and sign the documents. I PASSED all three!!!!! Alleluia.

If you're looking at the time, my lucky no. for that day might be 2.

BB told me that there's 1 girl that was asked to go home because she failed the hill. Punyala...
It was such a sad thing because she was asked harshly to go home. The JPJ didn't even say like this "Sorry miss but you failed and you can go home. Try again." instead he said "Get out of the car. You can go home." That's all. If I were her, I would flush myself.

So we waited for the 2nd one which is the highway test for 2 hours. Darn, it was like a long wait and... nevermind...
(gawd, i'm such a racist!)

It was my turn and I got a bigger car which is Saga and BB got a smaller car which we use for practice. It was not fair. He's bigger. (Darn, I sound like a kid craving for vanilla ice-cream instead I got a choco?) So yea, he was behind me again ("-.-).

At first, the engine broke so I had to start again, it turns out that I didn't put down the handbrake. (ai, budu nokopio!) Then I start the second go and off I went. The car was racing. LOL, lost control of clutch. hehe... but it was alright until I didn't signal at some point and I was so bloody worried. There was a construction going on and we had to stop to let a truck pass and then the part where I was worried about which is the roundabout, I did pretty well. Thank God.
And then after all of the misery, we stopped and he gave me my result. And I PASSED!!!!!!!!
And BB passed too.
True students of Uncle Jinggol (oh, that's my tutor.) hehe. Uncle Jinggol rules!

We gave our result to JPJ and then he said we can go home. BB sent me home with his car. He brought his car!!! darn... He's been driving for 3 years without a license which is CRAZY! Not only for three year but going and back from kk to bintulu. That's friggin' far. (Gila oh... I wonder why he's not caught...)

I passed miraculously.

Thanks for reading... I never knew you people would survive this boring post.

Friday, February 20, 2009

I Miss...

There are a lot of things I miss right now... mostly hanging out with my friends. I miss the laugher and the joy we had in high school. It's true what my teachers said that
"karang kalo kamu sdh habis high school, kamu akan rindu tu semua kawan kamu. trus kamu mau balik skul lagi"
and Miss Sang said "If you turn 30, you will wonder how your old high school friends are doing"
Oh gawsh, it's such a sad thing to think about that. There could be possibilities that only Miza is reading this... and maybe M'lia... so I wanna say, not only you two but also the rest of the gang that I love you girls 'til the end and I'll always cherish the time we had together, our madness, our youthfulness and the crazy times we had in class and in school. If I did anything wrong, I'm sorry girls. I was young and stupid (not forgetting....blur). Still is now....hahah.

And last Saturday, we went to 1B to go for the education fair and gawd I tell you, 1B was boring. There's like nowhere to hang.
Tidak apa la kalo kami semua ni loaded trus kalo duduk satu tempat pun teda masalah. K-box pun tutup. Main game ja lah... itu pun mahal butul ni... Trus banyak btul ni couple sempena Vday.
Then we decide to go to Waterfront and eat there and hang out for a bit, talk about our past and present. It's such a wonderful time.... I wish it could last forever.

I miss Anthea too. It's been such a long time since I have not seen her eventho' she here in KK. I wanna go out with you!!!!! But WHEN????!!!!
(I know she's not gonna read this so I'll jst sms her.)

And I miss Flyleaf... I miss being crazy over them... So I'm gonna be crazy over them again since it brings a lot of cheerful memories when listening to their songs.

I want this CD!!!!!

Check my Playlist which you can see on the left and song no. 2 for the full audio.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

yesterday and today

So yesterday, I went for a two hours drive class and I was bloody tired. I drive to KK and I think I'm improving. I seriously need to take notes what my tutor said yesterday 'cos I'm forgetful so... basicly I have a thin chance of failing = thick chance of passing.

O God, I hope i'll pass. Please please please let me pass.

And I went back home. My tutor was suppose to send me to the city but he porgat! How could he forgot?? Haiyah.... So I took a bus ride to KK instead and I went to Parkson for a while to visit my workmates and then I went to pay my phone bills. Right... As if all of it was mine. Then I went to CP and walk bla,bla,bla... that's when i decided to watch a movie which was Bride Wars. I love it. Eventho' I watch alone but I felt so comfortable (well, not really. I have my reasons. someone i knew was watching it too. I didn' plan to like see anyone I know there... darn. What an unfortunate event. jk)

I cried at the end of the movie. oh and you must be thinking "what? this girl is so lame, in fact, too lame." I know right?

So I was actually waiting for my workmates to get ready to go round the city at night. I was way ready and I was too ready. There were like 7 of us in MyVi car. Gosh, my feet was suffocating.
Here's the summary = pizzahut, jp, kfc, beach, corn, and my house. It was nothing special but it was fun. I had curfews so what the heck.

Today's story was something like this...

Got late for work, the door was locked. Darn. Electrical counter. OK. Obnoxious customer. What an a**, I tell you... I feel like slapping her on the face! Short of RM 10, and I'm stressed out. Crap man. Went home, raining.

So I keep asking myself, why do I feel like shit today????

What I know is that:
Life is not perfect, you can't have too many good days.

And technically, I'm broke. No more money. No more fortune. Just me and my body.

Later.....signed out.

tagged by miza

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers in their blog.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz. (Those that are tagged cannot refuse.)
C) Continue this game by tagging 8 other people OK

I'm tagging.... Anthea, and 8 other blogger which is YOU!

1.What have you been doing recently?

2.Do you ever turn your cell phone off?

3.What happened at 10am today?
Credit Card training

4.When did you last cry?
Yesterday, watching the movie Bride Wars. Friendship is just beautiful.

5.Believe in fate/destiny?
I guess.

6.What do you want in your life now?
Get into college/uni and get a steady life.

7.Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
Sometimes if I bring a bag. I don't wear any hood.

8.What's your favourite thing to do on the bed?

9.What bottoms are you wearing now?

10.What's the nicest things in your inbox?
Messages from friends which I'm missing this moment.

11.Do you tend to make the relationship complicated?
I didn't notice that. Maybe.

12.Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
Yes. Except undergarments.

13.What was the last movie you caught?
Bride Wars.

14.What are you proud of?
Having to live on this earth today.

15.What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say?
"Umm, so how long you all there?"

16.What was the last song you sang out loud?
Another Rainy Day.

17.Do you have any nicknames?
Jen2, blurry jny, i porgat olaydy.

18.What does the newest text say?
"Ololo, jny jeles.haha!ba kla,.. buhbye.c u soon." kureng but I hope 2 see u soon 2.

19.What time did you go to bed last night?

20.Are you currently happy?
Not really.

21.Who gives you the best advise?
My wise friends and my mom ofcourse.

22.Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
Urgh, no.

23.Who did you talk on the phone last night?
My mom.

24.Is something bugging you now?
Yes (the brainless, selfish and impatient customer with rm10).

25.Who was the last person to make you laugh?
My workmates.